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Major media protest in Poland. Publishers and journalists oppose unfavorable copyright law

04.07.2024 10:00
In a one-day protest, 350 newspapers and local portals are appealing to politicians to amend the media-unfriendly regulations passed by the Sejm. “Politicians! Don’t kill Polish media!” – this appeal can be found on the front pages of newspapers and most websites today.
Politicians Dont kill Polish media  we demand fairer regulations to protect cultural heritage and democratic values. An important call for state support against global tech dominance and unfair regulations
“Politicians! Don’t kill Polish media!” – we demand fairer regulations to protect cultural heritage and democratic values. An important call for state support against global tech dominance and unfair regulationsProtest Mediów / Public domain

Radio Poland's Marcin Matuszewski has the details in his audio report - available in our player (red button above and on the left).

“Polish media are an important part of the lives of everyone living, residing, and working in Poland,” assert representatives of national press, radio, and electronic media in solidarity.

"Unfortunately, we face the threat of domination by global tech giants in the Polish media market," they note, adding that these organizations are extremely powerful and influential. The issue is that the postulates advocated by Polish media were ignored during the legislation of copyright laws in the digital world.

Polish media demand fairer regulations to protect cultural heritage and democratic values

"We expected the introduction of mediation tools between platforms and publishers in case of disputes over royalties, compensation for content exposure online, and protection against copying," the appeal states.

The authors of the manifesto, shared as part of the nationwide protest, emphasize that it is in Poland’s interest to change the unfavorable regulations because media “are an important part of our cultural heritage and democratic system. And as such, they must survive.

Throughout history, even recently, they have stood guard over freedom, democracy, the civic right to public debate, truth, and responsibility for words."

Media in Poland call for state support against global tech dominance and unfair regulations

“Due to rapid development, [global tech giants] have taken the lion's share of advertising funds that previously financed Polish media. They use our created content unpunished and free of charge, while profits are sent abroad. To survive, we must have the support of a democratic state — the same state we always defend with the same passion. Unfortunately, once again, the state is failing in this role," the appeal reads.

"The issues we write about are crucial for Polish media, ambitious journalism, and a reliable debate on public affairs. We appeal to the authorities, to MPs and senators of all political options, to listen to our arguments and improve the harmful law,” add the protesters.

United polish media urge politicians to protect national interests over global tech giants

“Handing over these areas entirely to global tech players will not only impoverish us as a society but could also threaten the democracy we know. This must not be allowed. Politicians – do something not just for foreign tech giants but for Poland, for Polish men and women!” urge all the editorial offices of the country’s most important media in a united voice.

United polish media urge politicians to protect national interests over global tech giants 


Source: PAP