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Poland's path to recognizing registered partnerships. A legislative update

08.07.2024 18:50
The government released details in the legislative schedule concerning two proposed laws related to registered partnerships.
Registered partnerships have now been formally added to Polands government legislative agenda.
Registered partnerships have now been formally added to Poland's government legislative agenda.Pavel Danilyuk/pexels.com/CC0

The changes are expected to take effect in the fourth quarter of 2024. The project aims to introduce the institution of registered partnerships into Polish law, in line with the European Court of Human Rights ruling. It allows for the formation of such partnerships by two consenting adults, regardless of gender, and regulates their rights and obligations, including matters of property and taxation.

The introducing bill includes provisions amending existing laws to grant partners in registered partnerships rights in the areas of health care, social security, inheritance, taxes, and alimony. The right to enter into registered partnerships will be available to same-sex couples and different-sex couples.

The draft law proposes that a registered partnership can be entered into by two consenting adults, regardless of gender, announced in a government statement on the matter.

Statistics indicate a growing number of families in Poland are comprised of individuals in informal relationships, while the number of marriages is declining. In 2011, there were 316,500 marriages, compared to 552,800 in 2021.

Additionally, the number of marriages without children has increased, with the proportion decreasing from 41.8% of all families a decade ago to just 22.3% - reported by PAP.

"Upcoming inter-ministerial agreements and public consultations are ahead of us. Each subsequent step brings us closer to a Poland that will be more friendly, secure, and open," announced Minister for Equality Katarzyna Kotula on x.com.

We have a breakthrough – registered partnerships have been officially included in the government's legislative agenda, proudly announced the Left on social media.

Source: PAP/x.com/@KotulaKat/@__Lewica
