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General public more liberal on abortion than MPs? New Survey

21.07.2024 07:00
Following the lower house's rejection last week of a bill to decriminalise abortion assistance, the daily Rzeczpospolita has asked Poles what they think about this.   
Law and Justice MPs angrily jubilant at rejection of abortion liberalisation.
Law and Justice MPs angrily jubilant at rejection of abortion liberalisation. Photo: PAP/Piotr Nowak

45.7% of Poles surveyed declared their opposition to the Sejm's conservative, anti-abortion decision. 23.8% said they were positive about the decision. 12% said they were "indifferent" to the decision and 18.6% said they had not heard about it. 

Assuming the sincerity of those saying they were "indifferent" or "unaware", that means that Polish society is more liberal about abortion, at least regarding its penalisation, than Polish society's representatives in the lower house. 

As we reported last week, the Left's liberalising bill was only 4 votes short of passing the lower house. 

Sources: Rzeczpospolita, Radio Poland
