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Poland prepares to test driverless vehicles on public roads

10.12.2024 13:30
Poland’s government plans to take an active role in international discussions on allowing autonomous vehicles—cars operated without direct human control—to travel on public roads, according to a report in “Puls Biznesu.”
Illustrative photo.
Illustrative photo.Octus_Photography/ Shutterstock

Draft regulations are already under way at the Ministry of Infrastructure. Under the proposed framework, self-driving cars would only gain permission to enter public roads after undergoing track-based testing and obtaining the necessary certification. Companies conducting these tests would also be required to carry liability insurance to cover potential damages arising during trials.

Proponents of autonomous vehicles argue that they are inherently safer than those driven by humans, as they cannot drive under the influence of alcohol, nor become distracted by phone calls or text messages while operating, notes “Puls Biznesu.”

The draft legislation will next move on to inter-ministerial consultations and a period of public comment before final amendments are considered.


Source: Puls Biznesu, IAR