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A snapshot of the state of Polish Catholicism

18.07.2023 22:20
Controversial and popular Catholic journalist and activist Tomasz Terlikowski has given a frank interview on the state of the Polish Catholic Church.
Tadeusz Rydzyk and John Paul II
Tadeusz Rydzyk and John Paul II Photos: Wikimedia - Public Domain & Bundesarchiv / Schaack, Lothar / CC-BY-SA

In an interview with the well-known journalist and editor Tomasz Lis, Tomasz Terlikowski has offered a frank diagnosis of the state of the Catholic faith as he sees it.

Tomasz Lis has been a critic of particular statements and actions of the Polish Catholic Church and an even stronger critic of the pro-Church Law and Justice party, so the following statement came as a surprise to several observers: "As a Catholic I categorically demand a separation of Church and State. Yes to a non-clerical state, no to a non-Christian Poland."

The interview begins with Terlikowski dismissing the suggestion that he might feel discriminated or persecuted as a Catholic in Poland. The journalist admitted that he has encountered inappropriate or ill-intentioned mockery but would not describe this as "persecution".

The next part of the interview focusses on the sensitive subject of whether John Paul II did enough to prevent the spread of paedophilia in the Church. Earlier this year the television station TVN aired a documentary suggesting that as Cardinal in Kraków, John Paul II (then Karol Wojtyła) transferred priests accused of molesting children to other dioceses.

Terlikowski accepts that John Paul II made serious mistakes, but said this is consistent with his status as an unusually wise leader. He said that there would be hardly any heroes left if we apply today's ethical standards retroactively, offering the comparison of the Founding Fathers of the United States and their actions and attitudes towards slavery and women which are totally unacceptable today.

Terlikowski admitted that it is probable that a Polish Catholic will support Law and Justice (the current ruling party). However, he said that in his view this is due to the "false perception" that this party represents Catholicism. He said there are many Catholics voting for the nationalist and pro-Catholic Konfederacja as well as many Catholics voting for Civic Platform and other parties.

Terlikowski said that in his experience on pilgrimages in Poland, he has encountered a variety of political attitudes. 

In the second part of the interview Terlikowski argued that the Church should not engage in party politics, but suggested that the popular Catholic Radio Maria station headed by Director Tadeusz Rydzyk does just that, because the politicians it supports get strong grassroots support from listeners and the radio station receives lucrative benefits in return.

Terlikowski emphasized that as a Redemptorist, Rydzyk does not fall under the authority of the Polish Catholic Hierarchy. 

Sources: Tomasz Lis Youtube Channel, Twitter, Super Express, TVN24
