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Rescuers warn of avalanche risk in Polish mountains

20.11.2023 06:30
Rescuers have issued avalanche and weather warnings for Poland’s southern Tatra mountains.
A Tatra Volunteer Rescue Service helicopter in the air.
A Tatra Volunteer Rescue Service helicopter in the air.Photo: PAP/Grzegorz Momot

The Tatra Volunteer Rescue Service (TOPR) and the Tatra National Park at the weekend warned hikers that trails in the mountain range were covered with a thick layer of fresh snow, with deep drifts forming in places.

The avalanche risk level was defined as moderate.

“The snowpack is only moderately well bonded on some steep slopes,” the Tatra Volunteer Rescue Service said in a statement.

It added that although "very large natural avalanches are unlikely," any "activity in the mountains" required an "ability to adequately assess the local avalanche danger.”

On Friday, a rescue team helped a group of seven tourists who were stranded in the mountains amid snowfall and strong winds, Poland’s PAP news agency reported.


Source: IAR, PAPtopr.pl