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Poland launches new AI lab

15.01.2024 13:35
Poland's technologists have marked a significant step in their artificial intelligence (AI) work with the opening of a new AI Lab at the state-run National Information Processing Institute (Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji, OPI), a leading center for AI research in the country.
Photo:Forum Akademickie

The AI Lab aims to develop and refine natural language processing and conduct research in other areas of artificial intelligence, contributing to advancements in numerous scientific and industrial fields.

The practical applications of AI are increasingly evident in daily life, from customer service bots to algorithm-based shopping recommendations and AI-assisted diagnostic methods in healthcare.

The creation of this new Lab aligns with OPI's long-term strategy to foster AI development in Poland.

Dr. Jarosław Protasiewicz, Director of OPI, highlighted Poland's growing engagement in AI, citing over 100 research centers and significant academic contributions in the field. From 2013 to 2015, some 5,300 articles or scientific monographs on AI were published, and between 2010 and 2018, nearly 1,900 theses related to AI were defended by computer science students. Dr. Protasiewicz emphasized the necessity of AI for economic development and the importance of collaboration between academia and industry in sharing knowledge and expertise.

The AI Lab's experts are already engaged in developing high-quality machine learning models, including work on the PLLuM model, poised to be Poland's answer to OpenAI's popular GPT model, the foundation of the ChatGPT service. The lab focuses on creating AI solutions applicable across various industrial sectors and will continuously publish its research findings.

One of the AI Lab's notable achievements under the leadership of Dr. Marek Kozłowski is the development of Polish-specific neural language models (NLMs), such as RoBERTa, Bart, and GPT-2. Polish RoBERTa, in particular, ranks as the best representation model for the Polish language according to the KLEJ benchmark. These models are freely available on the OPI website.

A language model is a statistical probability software tool which analyzes sentence structure in the context of its intended meaning. Language models, particularly advanced ones like neural network-based models, review vast amounts of text data to learn how words and phrases are typically used and how they are structured in sentences.

In addition to these developments, in November 2023, OPI experts created the most advanced neural information retrieval models and general-purpose neural text encoders for the Polish language.

The AI Lab has become a member of an important consortium working on the PLLuM model, a Polish equivalent to GPT models. The lab collaborates with TASK Center and Gdańsk University of Technology to research and develop advanced neural language models and their applications. It also focuses on partnerships with business and public administration entities.

More information is available at the Lab's website: https://opi.org.pl/en/laboratories/ai-lab/.

Source: PAP, Forum Akademickie