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International Children's Day in Poland

01.06.2021 15:43
Established in 1954 by the United Nations, International Children’s Day has been celebrated annually by member countries ever since.
Polish Education Minister Przemysław Czarnek during a visit to a kindergarten in Legionowo, north of Warsaw, on Childrens Day.
Polish Education Minister Przemysław Czarnek during a visit to a kindergarten in Legionowo, north of Warsaw, on Children’s Day. PHOTO: PAP/Paweł Supernak

In Poland, it has since 1952 been marked on June 1, like in many post-communist European countries.

The date of children's day varies worldwide. In France it is January 6, in Australia the fourth Wednesday of October, while in Japan, boys and girls have their own separate days: boys in May, girls in March.

No matter what the date is, this special day is a time of games, presents and outings.