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Governmental 'in vitro' infertility treatment program restarts in Poland

01.06.2024 08:59
"This is a program for women and men, for all those who want to experience the miracle of parenthood - but cannot achieve it without medical support" - emphasized Poland's Health Minister, Izabela Leszczyńska.
Illustration Image
Illustration ImagePAP / Grzegorz Michałowski

The program, restarting June 1, will be implemented in 58 medical centers across the country. During the program-opening press conference at the Gynecological and Obstetrics Clinical Hospital in Poznań, Izabela Leszczyna pointed out that a similar program had successfully operated in Poland in the past - before it was canceled by the previous conservative Law and Justice government in 2016.

The government and experts alike believe that resuming the program will allow many Polish children to be born. Izabela Leszczyna emphasized that ten years ago, when the program was in bloom, 22,365 children were born thanks to the 'in vitro' method - and this number corresponds to the entire population of a small town.

The government's 'in vitro' infertility treatment program will cover married couples and cohabiting couples with diagnosed or unsuccessfully treated infertility within 12 months before registering for participation. The support will also apply to people suffering from cancer, as its treatment sometimes damages fertility. The program will support harvesting and freezing the patients' reproductive cells before the cancer therapy starts - so they can be used in the future.

The Polish government has earmarked PLN 2.5 billion for the newly-restarted 'in vitro' program, for the period until December 31, 2028.


Source: IAR