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Which profession in Poland commands the highest salaries? New report

23.07.2024 17:30
Among the highest earners in Poland are IT professionals, financial experts, and those with high technical skills.
Unfortunately, pay parity has not reached the Polish IT sector. In 2024, most Polish women still earn less than men in the same positions, according to statistics from SoDA, the Polish IT Services Employers Organization, which collects data from Polish technology companies.
Unfortunately, pay parity has not reached the Polish IT sector. In 2024, most Polish women still earn less than men in the same positions, according to statistics from SoDA, the Polish IT Services Employers’ Organization, which collects data from Polish technology companies. geralt/pixaby.com/CC0

According to the Antal salary report, the top-paid specialists in Poland are CIOs (Chief Information Officers) and CTOs (Chief Technology Officers), with salaries reaching up to 70,000 PLN and 50,000 PLN per month, respectively.

Financial Directors (CFOs) earn between 30,000 PLN and 40,000 PLN, while specialists in artificial intelligence can expect salaries ranging from 12,000 PLN to 30,000 PLN.

IT Security Engineers and Operations Directors also earn high salaries, from 19,000 PLN to 26,000 PLN and from 25,000 PLN to 50,000 PLN per month, respectively, while Marketing Managers earn between 28,000 PLN and 32,000 PLN monthly.

Salaries in other fields, such as marketing and logistics, range from 18,000 PLN to 32,000 PLN. Statistics show that Key Account Managers in the pharmaceutical sector earn between 15,000 PLN and 19,000 PLN.

The Antal Salary Report 2024 is based on an analysis of salaries for 4,952 specialists and managers from the second half of 2023 and the first half of 2024, supplemented with additional recruitment data and interviews.

Unfortunately, pay parity has not reached the Polish IT sector. Most Polish women earn less than men in the same positions, according to statistics for 2024.

Source: PAP
