Brittney Griner, one of the best women basketball players in the world today (see WNBA ranking for 2022), is being transferred to a Russian penal colony after receiving a 9-year sentence for possession and smuggling of drugs. She was found in possession of cannabis - in the form of cannabis oil in vape canisters.
Griner's attorney had argued that the cannabis was prescribed to her by a doctor in the USA and that Griner took the canisters into her luggage by mistake.
Cannabis is illegal in Russia. In July, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said, "If drugs are legalized in the United States, in a number of states, and this is done for a long time and now the whole country will become drug-addicted, this does not mean that all other countries are following the same path.'’
Sources: PAP, The Guardian, WNBA website