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What's Up :: Poland's 'Solidarity with Belarus' plan

23.08.2020 14:30
Poland has pledged to open its borders and labor market to neighbors from Belarus and to provide some EUR 11 million in financial support to civil society in that country 
  • What's Up 23.08.2020 Poland's 'Solidarity with Belarus' plan.mp3
Masowe protesty trwają na Białorusi od niedzieli
Masowe protesty trwają na Białorusi od niedzieliPAP/EPA/YAUHEN YERCHAK

Presented by Sławek Szefs with Agnieszka Bielawska

We shall also brief you on the difficult situation of the hotel sector in Poland in times of COVID and tell you why an increasing majority of Poles miss the opportunity of Suday shopping.

See more on this subject: What's up