During their two-day meeting in the Belgian capital, top diplomats from NATO countries also plan to talk about the alliance's preparations for its July summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, according to the Polish foreign ministry.
"The main item on the agenda will be the consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine and the prospects for the allies’ further support for the authorities in Kyiv," the Polish foreign ministry said in a statement ahead of the meeting.
"The meeting in Brussels will also focus on the preparation of decisions to be taken by heads of state and government in July this year at the NATO summit in Vilnius," it added.
During the gathering, NATO foreign ministers will meet with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba as part of the NATO-Ukraine Committee, according to the statement.
"NATO’s top diplomats will also hold talks with representatives of the European Union and their counterparts from four Asia-Pacific countries," the statement said.
Meanwhile, Finland was set to become the 31st member of NATO on Tuesday, to coincide with the alliance's 74th anniversary, amid Russia’s war in Ukraine, news outlets reported.
Polish President Andrzej Duda tweeted: "NATO may be 74, but surely it feels 31. Welcome Finland. Ei koskaan enää yksin - never alone again. We are stronger together. Poland hopes for a swift accession of Sweden to NATO."
Sweden’s application to join NATO has been held up by Turkey and Hungary, Polish state news agency PAP reported.
Tuesday is day 405 of Russia’s war on Ukraine.
Source: IAR, PAP, gov.pl