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World leaders condemn the Russian attack on the Ukrainian children's hospital

08.07.2024 18:00
Politicians unanimously express strong opposition to Russia's intensified attacks on Ukraine. Ambassadors, prime ministers, and foreign ministers assure that this is another war crime for which Vladimir Putin will have to answer.
Kyiv, Ukraine, 08.07.2024. Patients and hospital staff evacuated following a Russian attack on the Ochmatdyt childrens hospital in Kyiv. At least two people have died, with others potentially trapped under the rubble. According to Ukrainian authorities, approximately 20 people have been killed nationwide due to Russian missile strikes, with around
Kyiv, Ukraine, 08.07.2024. Patients and hospital staff evacuated following a Russian attack on the Ochmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv. At least two people have died, with others potentially trapped under the rubble. According to Ukrainian authorities, approximately 20 people have been killed nationwide due to Russian missile strikes, with around(jm) PAP/Vladyslav Musiienko

"Putin is doing his outmost to stiffen Western resolve" - asserts Radosław Sikorski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

„Attacking innocent children. The most depraved of actions. We stand with Ukraine against Russian aggression - our support won’t falter” - guarantees Keir Starmer, the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

"Horrifying images from Okhmatdyt Hospital, Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital, which provides treatment to children with cancer & other illnesses, and was struck during Russia’s massive missile attack this morning. Our thoughts are with the children and their families," wrote Bridget A. Brink, United States Ambassador to Ukraine, on x.com.

"We were just at the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital. Doctors are treating children on the street. Small cancer and dialysis patients are sitting on the sidewalk with their mothers. Firefighters, emergency responders, and many volunteers are assisting on site. We are also helping—doing what we can” — appealed Martin Jaeger, German Ambassador to Ukraine on social media.

„France strongly condemns this morning’s massive Russian missile strikes against a number of civilian targets in Ukraine, including the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv, leaving more than 20 dead and 40 wounded, according to current information” - declared French diplomats via x.com.

WHO Ukraine has also pledged to offer assistance to the victims. The organization declared, "We are prepared to provide necessary aid to hospitals upon the government's request."


Russian rockets strike children's hospital in Kyiv. Intense rescue operation underway

08.07.2024 17:07
Two people were killed in Monday's rocket attack by Russian forces on a children's hospital in Kyiv, and two others were injured, according to Ukraine's State Emergency Service.