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Ukrainian President Zelensky decorates two Polish volunteers for humanitarian efforts

24.09.2023 09:00
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has awarded honours to two Polish volunteers, for their support for Ukrainian people amid the Russian invasion.
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky (C) presents state awards to Polish citizens: journalist Bianka Zalewska (R) and volunteer medic Damian Duda (L).
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky (C) presents state awards to Polish citizens: journalist Bianka Zalewska (R) and volunteer medic Damian Duda (L).Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine / https://www.president.gov.ua/en

The volunteers were journalist Bianka Zalewska and medic Damian Duda.

"Bianka is a journalist for TVN Discovery Poland who has helped provide humanitarian aid to Ukrainians and transport wounded children to Polish hospitals," Volodymyr Zelensky wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

"Damian is a civilian volunteer and medic who gathered a team of medics to save our wounded soldiers near the frontline. He created a fund to assist medics, provide training, and provide vital medical assistance," the Ukrainian President said.

Volodymyr Zelensky decorated the volunteers during a stop in the Polish eastern city of Lublin on Saturday, on his way back to Ukraine from the United States.

"What you are doing is a great work - to help and support Ukrainians at the front, who are really defending not only Ukraine, but also, I believe, Europe, the whole world, our common values," he said when presenting the awards.

The Ukrainian President also expressed gratitude to Poland for its "invaluable support and solidarity," which contribute to the defence of Europe's freedom.

Source: PAP, https://www.president.gov.ua/en


Click on the audio player above for a report by Radio Poland's Michał Owczarek.