What's Up :: Poland still threatened by wartime explosives Despite the many decades that have passed since World War Two vast areas in Poland are still considered potential danger zones because of unexploded bombs and mines Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: More Poles reaching out for books A recent survey by the National Library shows that 42 percent of Poles have read at least one book over the past 12 months which signals a positive reversal in readership trends Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: What makes Poland historically different - part 4 One of the examples differentiating contemporary Polish history from that of many European nations is the post-war shift of Poland's borders resulting from the Yalta and Potsdam agreements Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Poles on two wheelers Poland is the EU's fourth largest producer of bicycles but does the volume find reflection in the enthusiasm of Poles for their everyday use? Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: The polonaise dance Poland is engaged in a bid to include its national dance, the polonaise, on UNESCO's Cultural Heritage list Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Second Covid Easter This is the second Easter holiday with a third wave of the coronavirus pandemic looming over religious celebrations and family gatherings Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Polish contributions to space exploration In the last 40 years over 80 instruments designed and built by Polish scientists and engineers have been used in international space missions Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Nicknames of Polish cities Some Polish cities have nicknames based on the names of well known foreign places such as Paris of the North or Silesian Rome Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: What makes Poland different from the rest of Europe In part three devoted to Polish history, we will start with the Constitution of 3 May 1791, the world's second such document after that of the United States. Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Delicious Polish pastry There is a sizeable list of typically Polish pastry, starting from simple pancake-like racuchy to the refined St. Martin's rogal, or croissant. Zobacz więcej na temat:
Wideokonferencje także na desktopie Nowe funkcje WhatsAppa zawitały do aplikacji na komputery osobiste. Komunikator pozwoli na prowadzenie rozmów w formie wideo. Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Must try foods in Poland Every nation has its traditional dishes and the ones recommended by foreigners seem the most obvious choice for visitors with a culinary curiosity Zobacz więcej na temat:
Odświeżamy politykę prywatności WhatsApp, który przez wielu internatów był ostatnio krytykowany, postanowił uaktualnić politykę prywatności. Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Jewish community in Poland Jews had been living in Poland since the Middle Ages and were the largest minority in this country before WWII Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Polish Doughnut Day Fat Thursday, or Tłusty Czwartek, is the last chance before Lent to freely indulge in consuming delicious Polish doughnuts (pączki) and angel wings (faworki) Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: What makes Poland historically different There are many developments in Poland's history that have contributed to making the Polish nation and state different from the rest of Europe Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Polish helium Helium is more than just a gas used for filling balloons - it has national strategic significance and Poland is highly aware of this Zobacz więcej na temat:
Stracił nawet miliony użytkowników Po niedawnej informacji WhatsAppa o zmianie prywatności z serwisu mogło odejść bardzo wielu internatów. Zobacz więcej na temat: