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Minister Sikorski: "Russia constantly threatens us"

01.07.2024 14:00
The head of Polish diplomacy, in an interview with "Newsweek," assured that he is not interested in taking up the position of EU Commissioner. He also warned about the activities of Putinist saboteurs within NATO member countries, including Poland.
Radosław Sikorski, Helenów, 28.06.2024. Minister spraw zagranicznych Polski Radosław Sikorski na konferencji prasowej po spotkaniu z szefem MSZ Algierii w siedzibie MSZ w Warszawie, 28 bm. (aldg)
Radosław Sikorski, Helenów, 28.06.2024. Minister spraw zagranicznych Polski Radosław Sikorski na konferencji prasowej po spotkaniu z szefem MSZ Algierii w siedzibie MSZ w Warszawie, 28 bm. (aldg) PAP/Albert Zawada

"I do not want a position abroad," Sikorski responded when asked about his career plans. "I have said this many times. I repeat that the position of Foreign Minister in free Poland is an honor," emphasized the politician in a conversation with Jacek Pawlicki.

Addressing the issue of his presidential ambitions, the politician explained that "unlike the opposition, we have several good candidates for this position."

"Russia is already attacking," claims Radosław Sikorski

"We are in a hybrid war, which means attacks not only in cyberspace or in the information sphere, but also in the real, kinetic sphere. Russia hires saboteurs who attempt or commit acts of terror and sabotage across the entire NATO Alliance, including Poland," added the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

According to the politician, "Poles rightly believe that when Russia threatens us, unfortunately, it must be taken seriously. And it threatens us constantly. Just remember what former President Dmitry Medvedev or Vladimir Putin himself said. The West, assuming that such threats are irrational, did not take Russian threats against Georgia or Ukraine seriously for a long time. Much time has been wasted."

Sikorski emphasized that in his opinion, "Putin cannot attack anyone else until he defeats Ukraine."

"Therefore, it is in our vital interest for Ukraine to win this war." - added the head of polish diplomacy.

Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on elections in France and the situation in Ukraine

Radosław Sikorski also commented on the results of the parliamentary elections in France.

"We will cooperate with any French government. But if French nationalists destroy the Union from within, I assure you, even eurosceptics will say after years: you will know how much you value it when you lose it," assured the politician.

Referring to the situation on our eastern border, Sikorski emphasized that he counts on EU financial assistance for Poland in actions related to the Eastern Shield.

"I believe that as a country, we should not be left alone with the obligation to control the EU's border. It cannot be that we spend billions of zlotys on the border and in return, we are subjected to a procedure of increased deficit. Defending the external borders of the Union is in the interest of the entire Community," stated the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: PAP/Newsweek Polska

Odbudowa Ukrainy. Sikorski: tylko jedna rzecz może pozbawić ten kraj wsparcia sojuszników

11.06.2024 13:30
Radosław Sikorski na konferencji w sprawie odbudowy Ukrainy zapewnił, że Polska będzie wspomagać wysiłek obronny Ukrainy i wspierać ją w odbudowie i dążeniu do członkostwa w Unii. - Jedyną rzeczą, która może pozbawić ten kraj wsparcia ze strony sojuszników jest korupcja - powiedział szef polskiego MSZ.

"Lepiej dla Polski byłoby żeby prezydentem Rosji był Kasparow, a nie Putin". Specjalny wywiad Radosława Sikorskiego dla PRdZ

20.06.2024 12:04
Minister spraw zagranicznych Radosław Sikorski, udzielił Polskiemu Radiu dla Zagranicy specjalnego wywiadu, w którym odniósł się m.in. do potrzeby walki z dezinformacją, relacji polsko - ukraińskich i przyszłości Europy po zakończeniu rosyjskiej agresji na Ukrainę.

Sikorski o Rosji. "Agresor musi zapłacić za skutki napaści"

24.06.2024 19:00
Agresor musi zapłacić za skutki napaści - ocenił szef polskiej dyplomacji. Radosław Sikorski skomentował w ten sposób decyzję unijnych ministrów dotyczącą przekazania Ukrainie zysków z zamrożonych w ramach sankcji aktywów Banku Centralnego Rosji.