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US-China military contacts to resume, Biden says after meeting with Xi Jinping

16.11.2023 13:00
US President Joe Biden has announced the resumption of direct military contacts between the United States and China following a high-profile meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
US President Joe Biden (right) and Chinas Xi Jinping (left).
US President Joe Biden (right) and China's Xi Jinping (left).Photo: PAP/EPA/XINHUA/LI XUEREN

The move, aimed at preventing misunderstandings and potential conflicts, marks a notable shift from the strained ties that followed China's severing of military links in August 2022 after the then US House Speaker's visit to Taiwan.

The White House released a summary of the meeting, highlighting Biden's reaffirmation of the United States' commitment to its allies in the Indo-Pacific region.

A senior White House official, briefing reporters after the summit, said that Xi labeled the Taiwan issue as the most significant and dangerous in US-China relations.

While expressing a preference for a peaceful "reunification" with Taiwan, Xi did not rule out the use of force under certain conditions. However, this stance from Xi does not alter Washington's approach towards Taiwan, with Biden urging respect for Taiwan's democratic processes in light of the upcoming presidential election there.

A highlight of the meeting was an agreement to cooperate in countering the smuggling of fentanyl precursors and equipment from China, a significant step given the drug's role in numerous American deaths annually.

Biden expressed cautious optimism, adopting a "trust but verify" approach towards China's commitment in this area.

The leaders also agreed to establish a dialogue on the safety and risks of artificial intelligence, with Biden emphasizing the US administration's intent to continue imposing restrictions to safeguard American technology from being exploited by China in ways that could threaten national security.


Source: PAP