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Japan's Fujitsu eyes Poland for new project

09.05.2023 23:30
Japanese tech giant Fujitsu is looking for a location to build a factory in Poland to produce heat pumps, according to news reports.
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The planned project is a result of an ongoing technological shift in heating systems where gas stoves are being replaced with heat pumps, Polish state news agency PAP reported on Tuesday.

Poland's Development and Technology Minister Waldemar Buda has said that Fujitsu is looking for a site to build a plant and will soon announce the project, according to the business daily Puls Biznesu.

The newspaper said that the process is at an early stage, with Polish regions such as Łódź, Pomerania and Silesia among the possible locations.

However, sites outside Poland including Slovakia are also being considered, according to Puls Biznesu.

The Japanese company has declined to confirm the news.

“I’m afraid we don’t have any information at the moment,” Fujitsu press officer Emiko Yoshioka said, as quoted by the PAP news agency.

“We will issue a press release if anything changes in this matter,” she added.

No details have been released of the value of the project or the number of new jobs it could create, Puls Biznesu reported.

It noted, however, that a heat pump factory can be built at an estimated cost of PLN 1 billion (around EUR 220 million) and it usually employs over 1,000 people.


Source: PAP