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Increasing number of legal abortions in Poland. New guidelines for prosecutors

29.07.2024 12:12
Rzeczpospolita reports that the number of abortions in Poland is rising significantly each year, with mental health issues increasingly cited as a reason for seeking a legal abortion. Prime Minister Donald Tusk is anticipated to unveil new guidelines for prosecutors regarding abortion cases, according to polskieradio24.pl.
The coat hanger has become one of the most striking symbols of the womens strike. This is because in many countries where access to legal abortion is restricted, coat hangers have been, and still are, used to perform unsafe abortions. The symbol aims to highlight the dangers and cruelty of these methods.
The coat hanger has become one of the most striking symbols of the women's strike. This is because in many countries where access to legal abortion is restricted, coat hangers have been, and still are, used to perform unsafe abortions. The symbol aims to highlight the dangers and cruelty of these methods.Gayatri Malhotra /unsplash.com/ CC0

Recent abortion statistics in Poland show that the number of terminated pregnancies is approaching levels seen before the restrictive ruling by the Constitutional Tribunal, which effectively limited women's access to legal abortions.

Before the introduction of restrictive abortion laws, around a thousand Polish women legally terminated their pregnancies each year. We are now approaching that figure again.

The daily Rzeczpospolita noted that in 2023, 425 legal abortions were performed in Poland, indicating a more than threefold increase compared to 161 abortions in 2022.

As highlighted by rp.pl, recent changes in abortion statistics are due to medical professionals increasingly adhering to a less-utilized interpretation of the Tribunal's ruling, which allows mental health issues to be a grounds for a legal abortion.

At present, legal abortions are permitted only in two situations: when the pregnancy threatens the woman’s health or life, or when there is a credible suspicion that the pregnancy resulted from rape.

Guidelines for prosecutors on abortion

Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced that new guidelines for prosecutors on abortion cases, prepared by Justice Minister Adam Bodnar, will be released on Monday, according to a report by polskieradio24.pl.

This move follows the Sejm's failure to pass the bill on decriminalizing abortion due to insufficient votes.

Source: IAR/rp.pl/polskieradio24.pl
