During the global event, Mateusz Morawiecki will outline the situation of Ukrainian war refugees in Poland and the needs of people displaced by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, officials told reporters.
“The webinar is designed to explore how global companies can support refugees in the medium and long term,” according to the Polish government spokesman, Piotr Müller.
Polish PM to open event
Morawiecki’s speech will open the virtual meeting, which will be jointly held by the Boston Consulting Group and the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Müller said in a statement.
Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo: PAP/Zbigniew Meissner
Chaired by BCG’s Managing Director Mathieu Lamiaux, the webinar will also feature deputy UNHCR chief Kelly T. Clements; the CEO of the Polish e-commerce company Allegro, Francois Nuyts; and a representative for the refugee community, among others, reporters were told.
Poland welcomes 3 million war refugees
Ahead of the webinar, Müller noted that Poland had welcomed around 3 million people fleeing Russia’s war on Ukraine and was also “serving as a huge logistics hub” for humanitarian aid to its eastern neighbour.
Thursday is day 64 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Source: PAP, gov.pl