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NATO Summit: 10 Key points from Washington declaration

11.07.2024 13:13
During the latest summit of the 32 member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance, a significant outcome was the commitment to provide long-term support to Ukraine and enhance allied missile defense. Additionally, we have highlighted several other critical conclusions.
US President Joe Biden (C-L), NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (C-R) and leaders from NATO member countries pose for a family photo during the welcome ceremony for NATOs 2024 annual meeting in Washington, DC, USA 10 July 2024. The 75th Anniversary NATO Summit is taking place in Washington, DC, from 09 to 11 July 2024 and NATO members are
US President Joe Biden (C-L), NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (C-R) and leaders from NATO member countries pose for a family photo during the welcome ceremony for NATO’s 2024 annual meeting in Washington, DC, USA 10 July 2024. The 75th Anniversary NATO Summit is taking place in Washington, DC, from 09 to 11 July 2024 and NATO members are PAP/EPA/JIM LO SCALZO

Here are the 10 key points from the NATO summit in Washington:

  1. Commitment to long-term support for Ukraine, including a declaration of its "irreversible path to membership".

  2. Strengthening NATO's allied missile defense.

  3. Significant increase in defense expenditures by European countries and Canada, reaching 18% in 2024.

  4. Increase in investments in modern defense capabilities and contribution to NATO operations.

  5. Focus on the development of NATO's air and missile defense capabilities.

  6. Deployment of ready-to-fight forces on NATO's eastern flank and reinforcement of forward defense.

  7. Introduction of new NATO defense plans enhancing deterrence and defense readiness.

  8. Strengthening NATO's integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) based on a 360-degree approach.

  9. Introduction of Aegis Ashore in Redzikowo, Poland, and other initiatives in missile defense.

  10. Assessment of China's role in supporting Russia amid the Ukraine war and the challenges posed by China to Euro-Atlantic security, including cyberattacks and space capabilities growth.

The full text of the Washington Summit Declaration is available on nato.int.
