Raport Białoruś

100 thousand people supported Ales Bialiatski

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 03.03.2013 14:33
104 371 letters to Ales Bialatski and signatures were put below the petition to free the Belarussian prisoner of conscience.
100 thousand people supported Ales Bialiatski
Foto: Amnesty International

More than 100 hundred people all over the world supported Ales Bialiatski during the Amnesty International action, Letter Writing Marathon. Amnesty International presents now the results of the action.

The campaign took place in December. Ales Bialiatski was addressed in letters written by people from many countries, including Poland, Lithuania, Canada, Africa, Togo, Mali, Finland, South Korea.

The Belarussian human rights defender was sentenced to 4,5 years of prison for the alleged evasion of taxes. The Belarussian authorities did not allow to register his organization “Viasna” in Belarus, so Ales Bialiatski's bank accounts had been established abroad. The  sentence was possible due to the information passed to Belarussian authorities by the Polish prosecutors and Lithuanian ministry of justice, which was later labeled as tragic mistake.

Ales Bialiatski's organization “Viasna” offers help to political prisoners and their families. Many western non-governamental organisation and politician called for his unconditional release.

Graffiti in Poland. Phot. Amnesty International
Graffiti in Poland. Phot. Amnesty International
Postcard from Poznan (Poland). Phot.: Amnesty International
Finland Phot: Amnesty International
Canada, Montreal. Phot. Amnesty International
Togo. Phot.  Amnesty International
Slovenia. Phot. Amnesty International


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