Raport Białoruś

IIHF lets Lukashenka enjoy 2014 World Cup

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 18.05.2012 20:00
The regime of Alexander Lukashenko will host the Ice Hockey World Championship in 2014, despite the protest of Belarussian opposition. The Annual Congress of the International Ice Hockey Federation in Helsinki did not decide about relocation of the championship.
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The IIHF therefore did not complied with the requests of  Belarusian opposition, which asked to relocate the championship, unless Alexander Lukashenko releases political prisoners.
The decision was taken around 15.30 local time in Helsinki. As polskieradio.pl website learned, beforehand the Belarusian delegation presented their progress in preparations for World Cup 2014.  Then the Federation President Rene Fasel opened the discussion and encouraged delegates to express their opinions. Anyway, no country had any concerns or remarks, including the Polish delegation, as the IIHF press office informed. And that is how the issue of Belarus was concluded at the congress in Helsinki.

Earlier in the morning the IIHF president Rene Fasel presented his and IIHF Council position on the matter. He said that sport organizations are not “puppets" that may be used by politicians and that they are against "mixing sports with politics".
Is it possible that the next Annual IIHF Congress will relocate the 2014 championship from Belarus? In theory, there is such a possibility, answered IIHF spokesman Szymon Szemberg. - Some years ago, the IIHF had to move the World Women’s Championship in China two months prior to the start due to the outbreak of the SARS disease, he explained.

The Belarusian opposition, the European and western politicians point out that Lukashenka regime will use the championship for the sake of propaganda, to legitimate Lukashenka’s authority. Hence they consider granting championship to Belarus “a political decision”.

This Congress will no longer discuss the matter of  Belarus. The meeting ends on Sunday.

Agnieszka Kamińska, polskieradio.pl

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