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Activists block Warsaw road to protest highway expansion plans

02.07.2024 16:55
Activists from the organization Last Generation blocked Wisłostrada on Monday morning near the Royal Castle heading towards Żoliborz. The blockade was a form of protest against the government plans of Donald Tusk regarding the expansion of highways and expressways.
Photo:Karolina Kaboompics/pexels.com/CC0

Police intervened, removing ten individuals obstructing the road and submitting applications to court for their punishment, stated Deputy Commander Jacek Wiśniewski. ss 

Activists in orange vests arrived at approximately 8:30 AM, with ten participants sitting across the road. The remaining individuals did not disrupt traffic, and those removed from the protest offered passive resistance, added Deputy Commander Wiśniewski. The road was cleared by approximately 9:00 AM when police removed the protesters.

Activists call for climate-friendly transport

Last Generation explained that the action aimed to express concern for the climate's future, opposing the current government's plans for further highway and expressway expansion.

The organization demands that instead of new highways, the government invest in local public transportation. They advocate allocating 100% of the designated funds to initiatives like a monthly ticket for local transport nationwide priced at 50 Polish złotys.

Quoted by Last Generation, Łukasz Stanek announced:

"We block roads because we care about the health and safety of our loved ones.

If we want our children's future not to be dramatically worse than our present, we must make a change. We must resist.

If we want the government to take the first step against climate collapse and redirect 294 billion złotys from new highways to combat transportation exclusion, we must resist.

That is why ordinary people will break the law."

Additional reporting by Radio Poland's Agnieszka Łaszczuk.

Source: PAP/x.com/@OstatniePokolen


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09.07.2022 16:05
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Betonoza w miastach. Dlaczego zieleń przegrywa z betonem?

30.04.2024 13:00
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Pokolenie Z. Jak ważna jest ochrona środowiska i zielone umiejętności w miejscu pracy?

27.05.2024 13:10
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